


Your central heating and air conditioning system is an important part of your home, keeping your family comfortable and cool during hot weather.  But if your system is not properly installed and maintained, it could increase your cooling bills by as much as 30%.  Just like a car, your central heating and air conditioning system requires regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly.

Total Comfort System technicians perform quality maintenance services that assess the performance of your A/C system and make the appropriate energy and cost saving adjustments that can improve its performance and help prevent your A/C system from breaking down whenyou need it most.

We have many maintenance service options to choose from.  Many filtration options to choose from.  Whether it's for your home or office building, call us to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ), save on your utility bills, and maintain the life of your equipment the way it was designed.

HVAC systems require regular maintenance to ensure efficient operation and performance and to reduce problems with indoor air quality.  When maintenance is neglected, performance drops while energy use - and cost - increases.

Energy cost can account for 70% to 80% of the annual operating costs of your HVAC system, and 30% to 50% of the life cycle cost.  Capital cost of your HVAC equipment is a major component of building life cycle cost.  Regular maintenance can be the single largest factor in your ability to reduce controllable costs, and has significant potentail to help you improve profit margin and meet financial goals.

Here are a few things you and your building's maintenance staff could do yourselves on regularly:

  • Check evaporator and condenser coils to identify mold growth or remove debris from the condenser unit.
  • Make sure coil fins are not bent, to allow clear air flow.
  • Inspect and clean clogged drains and air intake areas.
  • Routinely inspect, replace or clean filters to reduce dust and mold.

Hire a professional service technician at Total Comfort Systems to:

  • Check refrigerant charge adjustment
  • Test for refrigerant leaks
  • Seal duct leakage
  • Measure air flow through the evaporator coil
  • Inspect electrical connections and terminals
  • Oil motors, check belts for fit and wear
  • Verify thermostat accuracy
  • Choose your filter by using ASHRAE's Standard 52.2-1999, which assigns filters efficiency ratings called a MERV.  Higher MERV ratings means the filter is more eficient in removing small particles.  In general, professionals recommend MERV ratings of 11 or higher.




Source:  Southern California Edison

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Thousand Oaks, California